Bands This Month
Post date: Mar 06, 2015 5:47:47 PM
FRIDAY MARCH 6: THE WHISKEY UPROAR: A local alt-rock cover band comprising 3/4 of the former local outfit Harkland.
SATURDAY MARCH 7: APPALACHIAN GYPSY TRIBE: Folk, Funk, Psychedelic jams with special local musical guests Serene Green.
TUESDAY MARCH 10: FAHAD & KELLY: The monthly visit from our favorite acoustic duo, they play a variety of your favorites.
FRIDAY MARCH 13: LOU FRANCO PROJECT: These local veterans of the rock scene play a wide variety of rock covers, classic and contemporary.
SATURDAY MARCH 14: GRACY'S TRIP: These hard rock specialists have been tearing up he local scene for some time.
FRIDAY MARCH 20: 3 AM: Three acoustic guitars and an acoustic percussionist. These guys pack the place, be sure to get here early for a special 8:00 PM start time.
SATURDAY MARCH 21: SCOTT MARSHALL: This local award-winning musician is bringing his full Marshall's Highway band for a special autism awareness show.
FRIDAY MARCH 27: MIKE FRANK & FRIENDS: Some of the area's best alternative rock, this is the first time the full band is making an appearance.
SATURDAY MARCH 28: COLD FIRE: This classic and hard rock cover band is making their eagerly anticipated return visit.